10 habits to change your life

10 Simple Daily Habits To Change Your Life

Habits are what ultimately drive our lives. No problem, right? Well, there is a problem when those habits are negative habits or even positive habits that create negative impacts on your life because they’re not the right habits for you.


I have rounded up 10 simple daily habits you can do that will (positively) change your life.


Meditate or Deep Breathing

Spend about two minutes each day in meditation or breathing deeply to clear and calm your mind. It’s best to meditate or do deep breathing first thing in the morning or right before bed. Those times at optimal at helping to set the tone for your day.


Practice Daily Gratitude

Come up with at least three things each day that you are grateful for. This will help you remember to be grateful for the life you have.


Stop Complaining

Complaining is the worst habit you can possibly do. Complaining is a major cause of stress and health issues. And let’s be honest, no one wants to be around complaining people. Instead of complaining, give thanks for what happened and learn from the experience.

Celebrate Your Wins

Celebrating your wins will cause you to want to continue to “win.”  If you’re always winning, think about how much your life will change for the best. Keep celebrations small. You don’t want to create another bad habit from your celebrations. Even saying “Good Job” is celebration enough!

Visualize Your Goals

The best way to accomplish your goals is to make sure you know what the goals are. Post your goals, whether short or long term, where you’re able to see them every day as a reminder. Remember, out of sight out of mind.


Create Visual Cues

Just like your goals, create visual cues for the things you need to remember to do. I keep my vitamins on the table where I eat, so I remember to take them when I eat. Come up with creative and stylish ways to display your visual cues.


Have Routines 

Routines are great habits to have in place. Routines help your days run smoothly and help you be better prepared for what’s to come. I have routines for my weekday mornings and nights, my weekend mornings, and my Sunday nights, and of course, my daily routines at work.  With routines in place, you are less likely to get off track or have many surprises during your day.

Be Active

Being physically active isn’t just good for your physical health. Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and anxiety and help you sleep better. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

Clean for 10-30 Minutes A Day

Cleaning for 10-30 minutes each day is just enough time to get things done It breaks down your cleaning into smaller chunks that will help alleviate the feeling of anxiety you can have when you have a lot to clean. It also helps to maintain a clean space.



Reading each day is a great way to stimulate your mind and increase your intelligence. Try to read for about ten minutes each day. Even if it’s just a magazine or an instruction manual, no matter what the text is, find something you’ll enjoy reading and read it. Reading is also a great way to relax. 


xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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