2022 Goals, New Year Plan with Me

2022 Goals, New Year Plan with Me!

Happy New Year! Wow, it feels like I was just saying this a month ago and here we are on the first day of a new year, already.


To plan or not to plan, that should never be the question. However, after the last two years, trying to make a year’s worth of plans seems unrealistic. Let’s be real. We have no clue how this year is going to go or what is going to happen with COVID-19 still around and going nowhere. So, I’ve decided to tackle my 2022 plans a little differently than I have done so in the past. 


Step 1 – Reflect On The Previous Year

Although I revamped my vision board for 2021, I never actually wrote out any form of plan to accomplish any of my goals. By reflecting on the previous year, I can see what actually worked, what is still in the making, and what needs to be readdressed. I know my reasons for not writing out and implementing plans were to give myself grace during all of the stressors from 2020 and living during a pandemic. So, I pretty much took a laid back approach to tackle my goals. I mentally knew what I wanted to get done and how to do it and was able to still have the motivation to get it done. 

This year, with a baby on the way, this approach will work for some of my goals. However, there are just some goals the baby is just not going to wait for, so I know with those goals, I have to be more strategic and plan them out with a deadline in mind. I also know, because I will be a first-time mom with so many unexpected things, and still living through this pandemic, some of my goals will still have to take on the same laid-back approach as last year. If they happen they happen, if they don’t, I will survive.


Step 2 – Set A Theme For The Entire Year

Your yearly theme is your intention, it will guide you through all of the decisions you will have to make throughout the year. It will remind you of your focus and your ultimate purpose.  My theme for this year is Bigger, Best, Better! After reflecting on last year, the areas that needed to be readdressed were my focus on expanding my business and my wellness journey. With this pregnancy, my focus on my business had to take a back-burner and so did my wellness journey. In addition to re-addressing those goals, I want to move into a bigger and better home, I want to be the best mom and wife I can be. I want to make sure everything I do is bigger, the best, and/or better, no matter how small or large it is.


Step 3 – Think About How You Want To Grow

This step falls right in line with my theme so I kind of cheated with this step. You want to think about how you want to grow as a person. What do you need to do to be your best self and the steps to get there by the end of the year? 


Step 4 – What Do You Want to Release

Think about what you don’t want to bring into 2022. Last year, I wanted to release stress and pressure, hence the laid-back approach to my goals. I also needed to release trying to control my life and letting God take back control. You may want to release allowing others’ opinions to control your feelings about yourself.  In order to accomplish goals and grow as a person, it is important to release those things and habits holding you back. For me to become a better wife, I have to release certain habits I had as a single woman. What you release doesn’t need to be their own goals, just be intentional about what it is you need to release and let it go.


Step 5 – Set Your Goals

Now it’s time to set your goals. I like to set goals in different areas of my life like health, wealth, relationships, spiritual, and home. This gives you the opportunity to stay balanced and not just focus on one area of your life. Remember your theme and start making those goals. Prioritize and focus on your main goals for the year.


Step 6 – Outline Your Goals

Outline your year at a glance. Look at your goals and plan when and how long you will take to accomplish them. Think about the smaller tasks you’ll need to complete to fulfill those goals when determining your timeline. Map out each month of the year, and how you’re going to tackle those goals each month. For instance, I know some of my best mom goals have to be done before baby girl arrives. When I think about my year at a glance, those are the goals I am going to focus on first to get done within the first two months of the year. With the nursery, I’ve already begun to tackle the smaller task of planning out what I want it to look like and what furniture and decor items I need. This way, when it’s time to actually set up the nursery, I’ll have everything I need to get the job done by the deadline. This lets me know that I may not have time during these months to try to tackle another major goal at the same time. 


Happy planning!



xoxo Tish

P.S. Do what makes your soul happy! – unknown

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