One Month to LIVE part 4

Well, we’ve made it to the final week of living a regret free life.

If you have not done so already, please purchase the book “One Month to Live” by Kerry and Chris Shook. I’ve provided a direct link at the end of this blog.  Because this challenge is just an abbreviated version, reading the book will do more in depth on how to heal and move forward in life.

So far we have learned how to live passionately,  love completely, and learn humbly. If you’re just joining us on this 30 Day Challenge to living a Regret-Free life, please go back to check out the two previous post (part 1, part 2, part 3). For our final week, our principle is to leave boldly.  So let’s jump into our last 8 days.

What you will need:

  • A journal
  • An open heart
  • And continued commitment

Week 4: Leave Boldly

Day 23: Sandcastles; creating a lasting legacy – For what would you like to be remembered? How are you contributing to this goal right now? How long will this legacy last? Write your obituary. Start with what your life has been so far and then continue it well into the future. What do you want to be known for when you pass on? What legacy will you leave in your relationships?

Day 24: Seeds; planting for the future – How much time do you spend reading, studying, and enjoying God’s Word? How much time would you like to spend in the Wor each week? Carve out some time in your schedule in the coming days and spend it alone with your Bible, knowing that this seed will produce fruit even after your life on this earth is over. Write down the values you hope to leave behind and who you hope will inherit them from you.

Day 25: Sticks and Stones; using eternal building materials – In your journal, number from one to five. List five convictions that you hold and believe are timeless. Go back over each one and reflect on its basis. How is it reinforced by God’s Word? By the lives of others? By your own experience? Number from one to five again. This time list character traits you would like to be remembered for after you’ve left this earth. How have you seen God cultivate these in your life? Which ones does He seem to be concentrating on right now? Finally, make one more list from one to five. Write down the names of 5 people – not family or co-workers – who share your convictions and commitment to godly character. How often do you see each one? How could you encourage them? In what areas could they hold you more accountable?

Day 26: Collisions; staying the course when your life crashes – What’s the greatest barrier to trusting God in your life right now? What past experiences have left you doubtful, angry, hurt, or disappointed? Spend some time in prayer, either writing or talking to God about these experiences. It can be difficult to build trust with Him if you’re not communicating. If you only had one month to live, what 3 actions would you want to take to align your remaining time with God’s will? What’s keeping you from pursuing them now? Choose one, and begin to implement it this week.

Day 27:Starfish; making a world of difference – For the next month, choose 1 item of comfort, luxury, or convenience that you’ll do without. Use the time or money that generally goes to this item for a larger purpose — praying, contributing to world philanthropy or missions, or offering your services to someone in need. Similar to the practice of giving up something for the season of Lent before Easter. This exercise can help you regain perspective on what it means to be a living sacrifice.

Day 28: Footprint; leaving a lasting impression – Is there anyone who needs your forgiveness? Reflect on the high price God paid to forgive you, and then ask what action, if any, He wants you to take in relationship to that person. Think of a loved one who has passed away. How would you describe his or her spiritual legacy? WHat would you like to emulate about this person’s legacy of character? What would you like to avoid? Spend some time with God in prayer and confession. Ask Him to reveal His grace to you in a new way, one that helps you better grasp the fullness of His love for you. Go to someone you’ve offended or hurt and ask for forgiveness.

Day 29:Game Over; dying to live – Spend some time thinking about how you envision heaven. Draw a picture, take a photograph, make a collage from magazine cutouts, or make a sculpture that represents heaven to you. It can be as personal as you want to make it. Place it in a location that will remind you of where you want to spend eternity. In your journal, write a scene in which you imagine meeting God in Heaven for the first time. What would you want to say to Him? ask Him? hear Him say to you? Spend some time in prayer, sharing your thoughts with the One who loves you most.  

What eternal investment have you made this week? How much time have you spent engaged with God’s Word? How much time connecting with people in ways that matter most? Set an eternal goal for yourself — something you want to do that will stand the test of time, someone you want to invest in — and find the time to pursue it in the coming week.

Day 30: Game On; living it up – Now that you’ve completed the 30 Day Challenge, I encourage you to continue in the one-month-to-live lifestyle.  As soon as possible, plan a day when you can go away by yourself to review and reflect on your experience of this challenge. Make it an assessment. What has made the greatest impact on you during this month? Why? How has completing this challenge change you?

Get together worth at least one friend and share your experience from the past month. Ask what they would do if they knew they only had one month to live.

P.S. The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. – William James

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