Top 5 Apps for Editing Pictures

Hey Loves! I get asked how I edit my photos for Instagram/blog so much. So today I’ve decided to share the apps I use to edit my photos with you. All of the apps I use to edit my photos are free downloads on the Apple store (they are available for Android users also).


  1. VSCO

I have to admit I was not a fan of VSCO at first. It took me a while to figure out just how to use it. I was introduced to it by a blogger friend when I asked how she keeps the same (color) theme for all of her photos. She suggested I use VSCO because you can copy your edits from one pic to another. Well, once I actually took the time to figure it out, I have used it ever since. It so far is the only editing app I’ve found that helps with my Instagram theme. And it is really simple to use for editing.  It offers several free filters to choose from and a feature to share your pictures through the app.


  1.    Facetune 2

I use Facetune 2 to edit imperfections on myself and/or the setting of the picture.  I am not one for making myself look like a completely different person, so I love how I am able to clear away those pesky imperfections in a natural way.  I use Facetune 2 to whitening my background, remove wrinkles from my clothes, conceal my bags, or emphasize details that are not clear in the picture. There is an option to purchase the “Pro”  version, but for how I use it, the free version is just right!


  1.   InstaSize

InstaSize is normally used last when I am editing my pics. I basically use it to get the white border around my pictures. I will use it also whenever I need to brighten my graphic photos.


  1. Snapseed

Because I like for my photos to look as natural as possible, I don’t use Snapseed that often. However, whenever I need to change the temperature in a certain area or remove something from the shot, I go to Snapseed. Snapseed offers so many different tools to use to get your picture just the way you want it.


  1.  UNUM

UNUM isn’t exactly an editing tool. What it does is allow you to plan out your pictures for Instagram or even a picture story. I use it to see what pictures will look better together to keep my theme going on my Instagram feed.  It helps me balance out my coloring and determine if I need to put a headshot, torso, ¾ body or full body shot next. Because UNUM uses the same grid as Instagram, you are able to move your pictures around until you get the look you want. Your Instagram posts are automatically saved, so it’s easy to plan your future posts.

After editing










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xo Tish

P.S. Sometimes you never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. – Michelle Collins


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