Top 5 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More

One thing that seems to be so hard for people to do is love themselves.  You may be quick to say you love someone else, you love this about yourself or that, or you just want to be loved. Well the first place you should look for love is from within.  Yes God loves you, but if you don’t truly love yourself, how can you fully accept and receive the love of God? God’s love for you is unconditional. The love you have for yourself should be the same. I know I love myself, but there are times when I feel depressed or down about life. At times I feel really guilty for not loving my life or myself enough and feel the need to ask God for forgiveness. Here God has blessed me with life, which alone is enough to be grateful for. But when I think about all of the blessings God continues to give me, I know I need to give myself that unconditional love as a sign of thanks.

So, in my journey to love myself more, I have come across many suggestions of things to do along my the way. Here are the 5 things I selected that have been the most helpful that you can do to start loving yourself more.

  1.  Start with a positive morning

Start each day with a grateful heart. Be thankful for having the opportunity to live to see another day. Whether you’re thankful for just living or having another chance to start fresh, be thankful. Start your day with an affirmation. This could be spiritual or self. Affirm that you can do all things through Christ. Start the day off with meditation or an activity you enjoy. Some great things to try are prayer, listening to your favorite music, yoga, working out, reading, etc. Whatever makes you feel good, do it. Reading inspirational quotes is another great way to start your day off on the right track and set a positive tone for the day.

  1.  See yourself as lovable

It’s important for you to see yourself as lovable, because you are. Look in the mirror and tell yourself how great you are, how awesome I am worthy(1)you are. Shout to yourself “I love myself.” Set time to give yourself a new honest compliment everyday. Continue to discover things that you love about yourself. See the good in every situation and learn from your mistakes. Do things for yourself; pamper yourself, treat yourself to something special. Break habits that are not self-serving. And learn to validate yourself rather than seeking others validation. That does not mean to ignore the nice things others have to say about you. It means that you don’t need to hear it from others when you believe it yourself. Ask yourself what sort of validation you need right now. Ask yourself what will make you feel better, feel more balanced, healthier, and then give that validation to yourself. And still know you are worth that compliment, you are worth that thank you, you are worth that person’s apology. You are worth love.

  1. Care about your Appearance

Loving yourself starts from within, but looking good on the outside sure does help.   Yes, you should truly love yourself  for who you are and that includes how you look.  If you’re already struggling with self love, true self love is easier said than done.  Eventually the goal is to get to a place where you can look in the mirror and think I’m happy being me, I love myself, and I accept myself exactly as I am now.  To do this you have to get rid of those insecurities by building self confidence. How can you build self confidence you ask! Well, take the time to make sure your hair is clean and neatly done.  Wearing clothing you feel compliments your body and make you feel extra pretty also helps build confidence.  Proper hygiene is just as important. If you’re eating healthy (which we will discuss shortly) why not make sure your skin is receiving the same amount of attention.  Ever notice how refreshed and vibrant you feel after washing your face or taking a shower? So why not use that facial soap to help get rid of the acne and dark spots if it not only leads to healthy skin, but it leads to self confidence and ultimately self-love?  Why not go pamper yourself with a mani/pedi if it leads to a healthier outlook on yourself. I am one to put on some make-up to make me feel and look just a little prettier. Wearing make-up sure does not take away from or mask ,my genuine self love, it makes me love myself even more.  Being able to look in the mirror and see yourself at your best causes you to automatically feel more confident and eventually that confidence becomes more and more genuine. Your insecurities will be gone, and replaced with all of the love you have for yourself.

  1. Eat because you love yourself

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat.” Well it is pretty much true. Think about what you eat and when you’re eating it. Are you eating because you’re body needs nutrients, and you’re hungry? Or, are you eating because you’re sad, upset, depressed?  Think about how you feel when you eat a meal that’s rather healthy; low in saturated fats, more veggies than carbs (and meat), or a simple snack of fruit. Now think about how your body feels when you eat greasy, sugary, and fatty foods?  I’m sure your body feels tones better when you’re eating the healthier options opposed to the greasy unhealthy options. Why not love yourself more with the food you eat? Start eating because you love yourself and you want what’s best for your body. When you take care of your body, you are practicing self love.  What you eat has a direct connection to how you see yourself. Try to eat from a place of nurturing your body, and eating food that will nourish and sustain it.

  1. Be your biggest cheerleader

Celebrate your achievements. When you do something great, give yourself a pat on the back. When you do something well, celebrate it.  Whatever you truly enjoy doing (dancing, sewing, painting, cooking, etc.), do it more. Find that special something you’re good at, and master it. This can help you feel valuable and worthy. When doing something you love, you began to love your life more and thus loving yourself more.


Truly loving yourself leads you to doing things for you. True self-love is not the same as selfishness.  Think about the oxygen mask on a plane. You have to put your mask on before attempting to put the mask on your loved one or someone in need.  Look at loving yourself the same way.  You have to make sure you are taken care of before you can try to take care of someone else. You must love yourself before you can truly love someone else. Remember these suggestions take time. Be patient, and continue to find what works for you until you are at a place of truly loving yourself more.

P.S. You are uniquely and wonderfully made by God!


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