Christian vs Believer

Christian vs Believer

Is being a Christian really the same as being a believer? So often now of days, you hear people, including myself, calling themselves believers. Why not just call yourself a Christian? Or is there really a difference?

Well, I’d like to argue that they are different. Let’s look at the meaning of each. A Christian is known to be one who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Therefore, a Christian would have to be a believer in Jesus Christ in order to follow his teachings, right? A Christian should have also confessed that Jesus is Lord and Savior, was crucified, died, buried, and rose on the third day. A believer is known to be one who believes that Jesus is Lord and Savior, was crucified, died, buried, and rose on the third day.

So what’s the difference? The difference is in the way each lives their life. The key to truly being a Christian and not just a believer is in following the teachings of Christ. In simple terms, living Christ-like. Even the Disciples were called believers, and let’s face it, not all of them were Christ-like. Don’t forget Judas or Peter.

Now let’s make sure you understand where I am coming from.  And of course, this is not meant for us to start going around trying to separate the Christians from Believers. My purpose is to make sure that ALL Believers remember that they are Christians and should, therefore, live their lives as Christ-like as possible.

How can you live Christ-like?

  1. First off, you have to read the Bible, especially the New Testament where you will find the teachings of Christ, and get to know how He lived his life. You also need to communicate through prayer, keeping an open and ever-growing relationship with the Father.
  2. Once you become familiar with the ways of Christ, begin to implement them in your life and your family’s lives.  It’s never too early to start showing Jesus to your children!
  3. Go out and make disciples. This doesn’t mean you need to go out on the street forcing Jesus on everyone in earshot. You can do this by simply being a positive example of a Christian person; sharing your testimony with someone going through something Jesus got you through, staying positive through your storms and showing others that you are faithful because you have Jesus, sharing Bible verses on social media, sharing blog posts with the world.  All of these are also forms of ministering and they are also ways to bring people to Christ.
  4. Be active in a Bible-based Christian church. Yes, watching church on TV can move you, but there is nothing like being in the presence of the Holy Spirit in numbers. And don’t just attend church, find your spiritual gift and be active in it.
  5. All the while, make sure you are not always grumbling or complaining and having a sour attitude, judging others and gossiping, publicly displaying your sins all while telling people you are Christian. Who would want to turn to Christ when you’re supposedly turning to Christ and yet you’re always miserable?


So in closing, I do believe that all Christians are Believers, believing and striving to live as Christ like as possible. And unfortunately I don’t believe all Believers are Christian, they believe in Jesus but do not live according to his will or his way. So I am charging you to live your life honoring Christ by not only believing but also following his teachings, after all, He thought you were worth dying for.


xoxo Tish


P.S. Let your roots grow in Him, and let your lives be built in Him. – Colossians 2:7

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