10 Fun Things to Do Every Summer

10 Fun Things to Do Every Summer

We are halfway through the Summer, and I think I am still in shock. I’ve been loving how the sun is still setting around nine o’clock. And with the longer days, there is just so much you can do during this beautiful season.

Here is a list of ten things you should make sure you do every Summer.

  1. Go to a beach
  2. Have a picnic
  3. Go to an amusement park or fair
  4. Visit a botanical garden or nature preserve
  5. Visit a new place (city, state, country)
  6. Go sightseeing
  7. Go for a hike
  8. Go to the zoo
  9. Go to a street fair
  10. Attend a music event/festival


xoxo Tish


P.S. It’s Summer! Be free and happy and danceful and uninhibited and now. – unknown

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