Goal Getter

Achieving Your Goals in 2017

Since I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, and therefore was not able to share that. I wanted to share tips on how to achieve your goals. So here are a few ways to guarantee 2017 will be the year of accomplishments.

  1. Stop making your goals an option

The first tip to becoming a goal getter is to stop making your goals an option.  Stop making excuses, stop putting them off, stop procrastinating. In order to accomplish your goals, you have to make them mandatory.

  1. Set a due date

The next thing to do to ensure you actually accomplish your goals is to set up timeframes. Having a due date will hold you accountable to staying on task. Post it on a calendar, on the fridge, set reminders on your phone. Whatever it takes to keep you on task to completing your goal on time. Make sure the timeframe is accurate. You don’t want to rush yourself and you don’t want to set it for too far into the future where you may forget about it.

  1. Plan, plan, plan

In order to complete tips 1 and 2, you have to plan. Write the plan out, create a vision board,  so you can see it. Seeing the end result helps keep you motivated to get the results you desire. Keep a check list, so you can see your accomplishments as you reach a goal being checked off the list.

  1. Be realistic

Whether looking at the goal, the time frame, or the plan, you have to be realistic.  Is this a goal or a dream? Is this something I am able to do? Is this timeframe enough time to accomplish this goal? If you are not realistic you are just setting yourself up for discouragement and ultimately, failure.

  1. Prioritize

When planning out your goals, it is always important to prioritize. What goals are more important? What goals can I accomplish quickly, which ones will take more time and effort? Prioritize the steps to completion as well. Work smart, not hard.

  1. Reward your success

With every goal you accomplish, reward yourself for that success. Your reward should match the effort it took to accomplish that goal. Rewards could be positive reinforcement (ie. great job, you rock, you’re awesome) or a treat to the nail salon. Rewards should not get in the way of you accomplishing your next goal.

As always, remember to subscribe so you don’t miss a post!!!

xo Tish

P.S.  A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot. – Joe Vitale