10 Motivating Ideas to Continue a Positive Year

Half Year Check-In: How are you really doing?

10 Motivating Ideas to Continue a Positive Year

2021 is halfway gone. It seems like forever ago we were all swooning over The Bridgertons, and yet it was just six months ago I was on my third round through the series. And can anyone remember what they did for New Year’s Eve? I sure can’t. To say the least, the first half of 2021 has felt like a few years in itself. Good or bad, we have all been through a lot, especially after living through 2020. So, how are you really doing?

As we hit that halfway mark of 2021, let’s self-reflect and see how are we really doing, feeling, being, living. Whether you’ve been rocking it out and having the best year ever, or impatiently waiting for this year to be done and over with already. Maybe you’re somewhere in between trying to be optimistic. Here are some things to do to keep you motivated to finish 2021 out on a positive note.

  1. Maintain/Create routines that work for you
  2. Celebrate your progress
  3. Visualize your success
  4. Determine what drives you
  5. Take time for yourself
  6. Use to-do lists
  7. Start your day with positive affirmations
  8. Practice gratitude
  9. Listen to motivating music
  10. Remember your why

xoxo Tish

P.S. Do what makes your soul happy! – unknown

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