40th B-day & Life Update

It’s My Birthday | Life Update

If you’ve even noticed that I’ve been absent on my blog for well over a month, the question you’ve been asking yourself is, where have I been and why?

I promise I was planning to come back weeks ago but just did not feel up to it. To be honest, writing this today is a bit of a challenge for me.

So, if you don’t keep up with me on my YouTube vlogging channel, then you really have no clue what’s been going on. I made mention of some struggles I’ve been dealing with on my Instagram, but never got into the actual facts.

Let’s jump back to April 24th when the s#!t hit the fan.

On Wednesday, April 24th, I found out why I potentially have not been able to get pregnant and that my chances of conceiving were pretty much impossible. (To hear more about this make sure you tune into my Life Update video airing on my YouTube channel this week.)

That news left me downright depressed. I lived my whole life trying to do the right things, be healthy, make the right decisions. And here I was getting news that didn’t fit me. It didn’t fit the life I’ve always wanted, and it didn’t fit the life I thought I deserved. Let’s just say, God and I have a lot to talk about.

So, considering today is my 40th birthday, and I planned on doing  40 to 40 Bucket List check-in. I figured today would be the best day to come back with an update.

Let’s be real, trying to do all 40 things before turning forty was pretty impossible. Forty things for 365 days don’t seem like a challenge until you say you’re going to do those 40 things.

As I mentioned in that 40 to 40 post, some of my goals and tasks were not up to me. And therefore, some of those tasks and goals are still on my must-do list waiting for those movers and shakers to shake and make moves so I can accomplish those goals.

For the sake of time, I will only mention the tasks/goals I’ve fulfilled and those that I plan on attempting again.

Tasks/Goals I Fulfilled
    1. Got braces (invisible aligners) and I love the result!
  1. Revamped my style, this was totally not planned and just kind of happened.
  2. Got out at least once a month socially. Mainly due to work and church events, but it counts.
  3. Tried food from a new culture. I ate Thai food for the first time and I liked it.
  4. Did an escape room, courtesy of my new, now former school on the first day back.
  5. Went to the fair, to take pictures. But it counts, lol!
Tasks/Goals I Still Want to Fulfill (with no timeframe)
  1. Finish redecorating my house. This one does have a timeframe.
  2. Become a full-time influencer. Changed the wording here to include all of my social media content platforms.
  3. Vacay outside of the US. This will happen in August with the next on my list.
  4. Go on a cruise.
  5. Publish a viral video.
  6. Watch the sunrise and set. This seems easier than it is.
  7. Reconnect with my middle brother.
  8. Take a picture every day. Something else that seems easier than it is.
  9. Clean out my garage. This one needs to be done like yesterday.
  10. Become a member of an esteem organization. (Waiting on the movers and shakers for this one).

Well, I’m off to enjoy the rest of my 40yh birthday. I hope to be back for good and will share what I’ve done to help me deal with the changes in my life real soon.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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