How to Get Out of a Rut

This week has gone by sooo fast. As has all of the weeks this summer. School is about to start, or for some, has already started. And dealing with the drama of coaching and the hassles of teaching, I found myself in a tiny rut yesterday. So I decided to make this Fix-It-Friday all about getting out of a rut.  These are tips that I’ve tried that have worked, or tips I found doing research to write this blog. So let’s dive in.



Meditation seems to come up every time I write about getting one’s self to a better place.  Although meditation is not successful for me, too much on my mind, the act of being in silence really helps me channel my thoughts and feelings. If you are able to completely meditate; having a clear mind and spirit, it is very calming.


Write it Down

I’ve refrained from using the word journaling to keep this gender neutral. For some reason several men associate writing in a journal to be something only females do. WRONG! Writing down your thoughts and feelings is very therapeutic. It helps to get those thoughts and feelings out of your head where they can be jumbled and overwhelming.  Writing helps put those thoughts and feelings into perspective.


Rearrange Your Living Space

This really works for me. Rearranging, or redecorating my most used living spaces gives me a sense of newness, freshness, freedom.  This gives the room a new vibe or a new feel. That visual stimulation will transfer to how you feel about life because of that new energy from your room.


Physical Activity

Yoga, running, dancing or exercise are also great ways to get out of a rut. The physical activity releases endorphins which put your body in a positive mood. Taking care of your overall health can really improve your state of mind.



Getting the proper amount of sleep also helps with being in a better mood. Unfortunately, whenever I’m anxious, sleep is the last thing I can do. However, making sure your body is getting the proper sleep on a daily basis will help eliminate stress and anxiety before it happens.


These tips are only for sporadic ruts, and are therefore quick fixes.  If you are feeling down for a long period of time, please seek professional help.

xo Tish

P.S.  It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don’t stay stuck, do better. – Alex Elle


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