How to Keep Your Cool When Faced with Conflict

It’s the last Friday of August, and our last Fix-It-Friday of our Summer series.  Although I will continue to write about life hacks, I will not only post them on Fridays. At least I don’t think I will. So for our last FIF we are looking at ways to stay cool when faced with a conflict.


Conflict arises when two or more people disagree about their desires, values or ideas. These disagreements stir up strong emotional feelings.


Here are 5 approaches to use when you feel yourself at the tip of a conflict.


  1. Take Deep Breaths. Smooth rhythmic breathing will stop the production of the cortisol and adrenaline.
  2. Actively Listen. Really listening to someone will help you truly understand the problem and help diffuse their anger.
  3. Ask Questions. Questioning will let them know you care about finding out the facts to come up with  resolution.
  4. Conscientiously Lower Your Voice.  Lowering your voice will manipulate them to lower theirs and creates a sense of calm.
  5. Let Go. It takes two people to have conflict. If you see there’s no chance of resolution, it is best to just walk away and let it go.


Bonus – Be Aware of Your Body. Body language can tell someone a lot. Appear open in your body language to diffuse the conflict.  Don’t cross your arms, smile, relax your hands, relax.


xo Tish

P.S.  Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power.


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