How To Stay Organized | Back to School Edition

How To Stay Organized | Back to School Edition

OMG! It’s that time of year again. And for us teachers, well some of us, we’re not ready. For you parents, are you ready? Will your child be ready? If you’re in high school or college, are you ready?

The key to a stress-free and smooth school year is organization. These tips will help you with an organized school year, whether you are a teacher, parent, or student.

1. Use a yearly planner

How To Stay Organized | Back to School Edition

Properly using a yearly planner will surely keep you ready for the entire school year. The good thing about getting a planner now is that it will run from July 2018 – June 2019 or August 2018 – July 2019. This way you don’t have to worry about having to buy a new one in January.  

  • Check out the school calendar and pre-fill in all of the important dates like holidays, early dismissals, conferences, report cards, etc.
  • Once you receive notice from the teacher or a syllabus, jot down all of the exam dates and plan ahead and mark the dates and topics to study
  • If involved in extracurricular activities, fill in those on the appropriate dates as soon as you are aware of them.
  • You may even jot down what was worn on what days to keep track of your outfits.
  • Check the weather each week and use symbols on the calendar to indicate the predicted weather for each day to be better prepared.

Here are some great planners for this school year. here  here here here here


2. Be color-coordinated

This one is my favorite. Color coordinate your school supplies for each subject area. Have the same color notebook as folder for each class. So if you’re using a blue notebook for science, use a blue folder for science. If using marble composition notebooks, use the same colored duct tape on the bream of the notebook for easy identification.

Here are some examples of the tape you should use. here  here here here

3. Make a schedule of your schedule

This simply means have a daily routine in place. Have a routine for the mornings, after school, and night to help yourself and/or your child with time management. This is super important for children with ADD, ADHD, ODD, and autism. Having a routine creates structure, and structure creates peace.

You may even want to input your schedule into your daily planner and post it where it is easily visible for everyone to see. Especially if the routine has to change for a special event or sport one night of the week.

Your schedule should include everything from waking up to brushing teeth, bathing, homework, play, breakfast, dinner, and going to sleep. And make sure you allow the appropriate amount of time for each activity to make the schedule work.

How To Stay Organized | Back to School Edition

4. Know the rules

 Check the school/district’s handbook. Most schools will have a copy of their handbook on their website. In this, you will find everything about dress code, attendance policy, grading policy, supply list, rules, and procedures. All of those basic questions you have may be answered. This should probably be the first thing you do, especially before you go shopping and end up with a ton of clothes and supplies that are not allowed.

xoxo Tish


P.S. If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal. – unknown


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