One Month to LIVE part 3

We are halfway through our challenge of living a regret free life.

As previously mentioned, this (abbreviated) challenge comes from the book “One Month to Live” by Kerry and Chris Shook. You may order your copy by clicking on the book at the end of the post if you have not ordered your book yet. Reading the entire book is truly life changing.

The focuses for the first half of our 30 day challenge was to start living passionately and loving completely. If you’re just joining us on this 30 Day Challenge to living a Regret-Free life, please go back to check out the two previous post (One Month to LIVE part 1 and One Month to Live part 2). This week we are focusing on learning humbly. Let’s get into week 3.

What you will need:

  • A journal
  • An open heart
  • And continued commitment

Week 3: Learn Humbly

Day 16: Star Power; discovering who you were meant to be – Tonight (or next clear night) go outside and spend some time alone looking at the stars. Where does your mind go? Where does your heart go? Once you return inside, read Psalm 8. Write your own poem to God, expressing your experience and including your own questions and longings?  Next, make a list of your strengths. Make them as specific as possible or add examples.  Now go back over that list and write how much time this past week yo devoted to using or improving that gift.

Day 17: GPS; finding your direction- In what ways does your current job or career field reflect your passion? If you knew you only had a limited amount of time to live, would you want to continue in this line of work? Why or why not? Make a list of the obstacles that you believe prevent you from having your dream job or career. Go over these obstacles with God in prayer, keeping in mind that with your Father – the One who created you and knows you best – nothing is impossible.  Now, on a piece of paper, number 1 to 5, and list five different gifts you know you posses.  This week ask at least 3 close friends or family members to list five gifts they see in you. Compare their list with yours. What surprises you the most and why?

Day 18: Hurricanes; withstanding the winds of change – What do you consider the happiest season of your life? How Often do you think about it or find yourself wishing you were back in it? How does your present season of life compare to it? Is nostalgia causing you to miss out on present opportunities? How has your faith sustained you through some of the storms in the past? With the most recent storm in mind, what did you learn  about yourself from it? What did you learn about God? Spend some time in prayer, connecting with God, thanking Him for the ways He has sustained you and will continue to hold you firmly. WHat storms are you facing in your life today? Are they making you stronger or blowing you apart? You may not get to choose what trials come into your life, but you do get to choose your response. What response will you choose today?

Day 19: Metamorphosis; changing from inside out – Plan ahead this week so you can spend one hour alone and uninterrupted. Let others know you will be unavailable. Spend time being still. You might stare out the window, take a walk in the woods, or remain quietly in your office after hours.

In what ways have you recently tried to change by altering your outward appearance or circumstances? Think of one change that you could make in your schedule or lifestyle to allow yourself regular time with God. Think through the people in your life right now/ Choose acquaintance to befriend, someone who needs you more than you need them. Look for a way you can serve this person.

Day 20: building a foundation that lasts – Describe the last time you experienced the tremors of an earthquake in your life – your most recent trial. In what ways did it challenge you and turn your life upside down? How are you different now because of it? Would you describe your faith and relationship with God as stronger or weaker in its aftermath? Make a list of the presents you would like to see God provide you(different job, new relationship, or restored health). Spend some time considering what it mean to long for God’s presence more than any of these items.

Day 21: Mulligan; playing with integrity – Take a sheet of paper and draw a large circle in the center of it. Divide the circle into a pie with eight pieces. Label each section with an area of your life (family, work, hobbies, marriage, church, etc.). Are you living out your values in each of these areas? Now draw a smaller circle in the middle of the pie, and write God in the smaller circle. This represents God’s place in a life of integrity. God doesn’t want a slice of your life; He wants to be the first part of every slice. Whether it’s your hobbies or your marriage, God wants to be the first consideration in everything we do.

Day 22: Road Signs; experiencing a personal miracle – Think about one of your greatest needs right now. What resources do you have which God can begin to work? Take a stock of your life, and don’t overlook the little bit of oil you have that may not seem directly related to your need. Make a list of “empty vessels” in your life right now – people around you who need your input, resources, love, and attention. Whose need seems most urgent? Pray for God’s leading, and look for a way to pour yourself into this person’s life this week.


P.S. The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet – Frederick Buechner

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