• Faith

    5 Ways to Become a Better Listener

    Why is it so difficult to listen? Even while in the womb, we develop the senses, hearing being one of them. Yet, as an adult, we still don’t quite know how to listen when we hear. As…

  • Faith

    Prayers for Healing Damaged Relationships

    It’s Fix-It-Friday. Today I will be sharing prayers to mend damaged relationships. General Relationships Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your unfailing grace. Please help us to let go of those things we need to leave in…

  • Faith,  Life

    One Month to LIVE part 3

    We are halfway through our challenge of living a regret free life. As previously mentioned, this (abbreviated) challenge comes from the book “One Month to Live” by Kerry and Chris Shook. You may order your copy by…