10 habits of successful women

10 Habits of a Successful Woman

What does success mean to you? How do you determine when you have become successful? Well, whatever success means to you, there are certain habits of successful women that help them to achieve their own success.

To me, success is living your best life possible. That includes having a well-balanced life. Since I’m striving towards that well-balanced life, I have been thinking of habits it takes to get there. I’m sharing ten of those habits of a successful woman with you.

Successful Women…

1. Are Not Afraid To Take Risks
The only failure there is in life is failure to try. There is risk involved in every decision we make, but, in order to be successful, you will have to take risks. As a level-headed adult, you need to calculate the potential risks involved and plan accordingly. If you are confident in the decision you are making, commit to it wholeheartedly.


2. Develop SMART Action Plans For Their Goals
No matter what your goal is, making an action plan is the best way to effective goal setting. Without goals, there is no success. Write your goals down. Then, start filling in the blanks between where you are today and where you want to be. Think about what you will need to invest (time, body, and money) to achieve your goals and how you will achieve them. Post this somewhere you will be able to see it every day as a constant reminder and motivator.


3. Women Believe They Are A Success
To be successful you have to believe it. You’ve thought about the risks, now it’s time to visualize your possibilities. Think about your desired outcome and keep that in mind. Have confidence you will be successful. If you struggle with this, fake it until you make it real.  Tell yourself every day you are successful, eventually, you will believe it and that’s when the magic will happen.


4. Plan Out Your Days In Advance
Planning ahead is key to being successful. Planning wisely is even better. With planning, less is more. Prioritize by picking the three most important task you need to tackle that day and focus on only those three. Depending on your goals and career, plan as far in advance as possible. My goal is to get to a place where I can plan at least two months in advance. With this way of planning, you are always ahead of things. If something comes up, guess what, it’s okay because you have time to adjust without getting in the way of your other goals and setting yourself behind schedule.


5. Power Off An Hour Before Bedtime
Make it a habit to shut down ALL electronics at least one hour before bedtime.  This will help with getting the proper sleep you need to be that Girl Boss. Use of cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc., confuses your body by not allowing it to produce the melatonin you need to go to sleep.


6. Invest In Your Living Space
Even if you work from home, your home should be a welcoming and comfortable place. If you work out of the home, then you definitely want to come home to a space that is relaxing and inviting. Therefore; do whatever you need to do to make your home feel like a relaxing retreat. You can do this with aromatherapy, having fresh flowers, sprucing up your decor, or even hiring a maid service to clean so your home doesn’t feel like it’s a chore. No one wants to leave work to go home and have to do housework.


7. Celebrates The Wins
Let’s face it, as women we were created to be a helper. So we instinctively put others’ needs ahead of our own. That includes praising ourselves. To be successful you need to celebrate your wins, no matter how small or big. Celebrating accomplishments helps to keep you motivated as you see the steps you have already overcome on your journey to success.


8. Take Breaks
If you want to be successful and be able to enjoy your success, don’t be afraid to take breaks. Even those unplanned but much-needed ones.  What’s the point of having a successful life if you can’t enjoy it because you are burnt out? Remember, success means well balanced. That means you get to play as hard as you work so take breaks, take vacations, plan getaways. Do whatever your body needs. Sometimes you just need a break to get your mojo back, and that’s okay too. I promise you and your actions will be better because of it.


9. Toss Out Toxic Influences
Block out anyone and everything that brings negativity to your life. Get rid of the things that are causing you stress and eliminate them. When you are trying to be great, things and people who are not will do anything to bring you down to their level. Tossing all of these toxins out will help you maintain your health and sanity, giving you what you need mentally and physically to have greater chances of being successful.
10. Don’t Quit

Above all, successful women do not quit. Now, this does not mean to keep doing something that doesn’t work, well, that would just be dumb. This means that when something goes wrong, you figure out what caused it not to work, make adjustments, and continue on doing what will make the most sense and get you to your goal. There is a major difference between quitting and moving on. If something is not working, and you don’t see a way for it to be beneficial, use your strength and courage to say, this doesn’t work, it doesn’t make sense, I’ve tried every alternative and it still doesn’t work, it’s not beneficial, I’m moving on.

You will also need to be able to look at challenges with the same strength and courage, and stay committed to overcoming them when they are tough but lead you to achieve your goal.


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xoxo Tish

P.S. Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality. – Malala Yousafzai


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