5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest Impact

5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest Impact

Let’s be honest, working out sounds good until it’s time to actually workout. We’ll have the best intentions, but starting the healthy habit of working out can be difficult. Well, I’m here to help you with that.

If you have 10 minutes, then you have more than enough time for these 5 easy exercises I’m getting ready to share with you. The best part about these exercises is that you are able to get an impactful workout with just a few reps, and hit your upper and lower body.

5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest ImpactCrunches on an Exercise Ball, 20 reps 2-3x (Abs)
  1. Lie on an exercise ball with your lower back curvature pressed against the spherical surface of the ball. Your feet should be bent at the knee and pressed firmly against the floor. The upper torso should be hanging off the top of the ball. The arms should either be kept alongside the body or crossed on top of your chest, or you may place your fingertips on the back of your head.
  2. Lower your torso into a stretch position keeping the neck stationary at all times. This will be your starting position.
  3. With the hips stationary, flex the waist by contracting the abdominals and curl the shoulders and trunk upward until you feel a nice contraction on your abdominals. The lower back should always stay in contact with the ball. Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for a second.
  4. As you inhale, go back to the starting position.


5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest ImpactPushups on Exercise Ball, 20 reps 2x (Arms, shoulders, back)
  1. Lie with your belly on the ball and walk your hands forward until the ball rests under your legs. Make sure that your hands are directly below your shoulders on the floor.
  2. Inhale as you lower toward the floor with the upper body, bending your elbows out to the side keeping your abdominal muscles tight to help you maintain your balance.
  3. Straighten your elbows and exhale as you press back up into starting position.
  4. Keep your back straight and in line with your head and the rest of your body.


5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest ImpactDonkey Kicks with Resistance Band, 15 reps each leg 2x (thighs, butt)
  1. Get on all fours as if you’re about to do the donkey kick exercise.
  2. Slowly extend your leg to the maximum tension the band allows then return to the starting position and repeat
  3. Switch legs


5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest ImpactSquats with Resistance Band, 15 reps 2x (thighs, butt)
  1. Place a resistance band just above or below the knees tight enough so it stays by itself.
  2. Open the legs to slightly wider than hip-width apart and turn the feet outwards. Now stretch the band by rotating the thighs outwards, so that your knees are in line with your feet. In doing so, you should feel the glute muscles contract. Raise the arms to help counterbalance.
  3. Keeping the knees rotated outwards and tension on the band, take three seconds to slowly squat downwards.
  4. Keeping your back straight, stand up making sure the knees stay facing outwards over the toes. The same tension should stay in the resistance band throughout the 15 repetitions.


5 Easy Exercises With the Biggest ImpactTricep Dips with Exercise Ball, 20 reps 2x
  1. Start off by sitting on an exercise ball and placing your hands on each side of the ball.
  2. Slowly, while maintaining your balance, lift off of the ball, keeping your elbows tight at your sides, walk your feet away from the ball.
  3. Bend at your elbows and release for 20 reps.


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xoxo Tish

P.S. All great achievements require time. – Maya Angelou


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