20 Simple Habits to Make Yourself Better

Happy Tuesday Loves!

You know that I am not one for complaining if I don’t have a solution to the problem.  So, I can’t keep complaining about my life, if I’m not changing my habits.

I love that as believers we have the ability to go to God and pray, but, faith without works is dead. We have to make an effort, put in the work, to see change.

Change happens when we start to do different habits. Change your habits and you’ll change your ways. So, today I am sharing 20 simple habits to make yourself a better person.

Some are habits I’ve shared in the past. So this should really be easy to follow.

  1. Stay focused with to-do lists
  2. Have a weekly exercise routine
  3. Acknowledge your flaws & accept them or fix them
  4. Quit one bad habit each month
  5. Avoid negative people (as much as possible) and
  6. Learn to positively deal with difficult people
  7. Start a journal to write your thoughts, ideas, and feelings down
  8. Get a mentor or coach to keep you accountable
  9. Limit your TV time or just stop watching it
  10. Read a book, at least 1 per month
  11. Meditate
  12. Let go of the past
  13. Show kindness to people around you
  14. Take a break
  15. Read at least 1 personal growth article a month
  16. Commit to your personal growth
  17. Create an inspirational space/room
  18. Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone
  19. Set goals (Big Goals) and plan how you will achieve them
  20. Level up your skills

Thanks for stopping by! Please subscribe to receive notifications of blog posts. See you Thursday for a Faith-based post!

xo Tish

P.S. Don’t strive to be better than others; strive to be better than your best self. – unknown


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