4 things Christians must stop

4 Things Christians Should Stop Doing

If you’re reading this post on it’s published day, it’s the 4th of July. And since everyone in the U.S. of A is on holiday mode, I figured I’d share a lite read for today.

Don’t get too relaxed though. What I’m sharing today is a lite read but shouldn’t be taken lightly. Today I’m sharing four things Christians should stop doing.

#1. Stop Misquoting God

So often, people are told by others what God said, and what He said about them. Truth be told, these quotes are just our own feelings that we are falsely accusing God of saying. I for one was told by another Christian that “God said you weren’t ready.” Or what about the old favorite one, “God don’t like ugly.” When exactly did God say that to you? 

The biggest misquote that we hear the most is that “God sees all sins the same.” Let’s go back to our Bibles and see that He, in fact, does not. Numbers 15:22-31 explains how intentional and unintentional sins are judged differently. This helps me go into the next thing Christians should stop doing.

#2. Stop Manipulating God’s Word For Your Benefit

I think the main problem here is not the person manipulating God’s word for their own benefit. The problem is that the rest of us don’t know the word enough to correct them when they use it out of context. 

Christians will take one or two verses from a chapter and quote them at the perfect time as a form of defense or proof for their actions or desires. By simply adding one, two, or three verses before or after that quote, they would see what that text actually means and how it would not support their actions. 

People often quote “all things work together for good to them that love God”. But leave off the rest of that verse. Yes, all things work together for good to them that love God, but only to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). So basically, if you’re not doing what God wants you to do, don’t expect it to work according to your good just because you love God. 

#3. Stop Pushing Your Judgements On Others

Yes, as Christians we are expected to live our lives a certain way. Like Jesus. And since none of us are Jesus, which means none of us are perfect, we should not be so quick to put our beliefs on how a person should behave, on other people. This only pushes people away from Christ. This makes people feel like they would never be good enough to be apart of our Christian world. 

The best thing to do is to be transparent. It’s so much more relatable when you let people know “hey this is what I believe but even I mess up at times.” It makes it a great opportunity to share how we serve a forgiving God. People would be more willing to accept Christ if they knew how accepting and forgiving Christ is with us and our millions of mistakes.

#4. Stop Complaining

I’ve said this one before and I will keep saying it. We have to stop complaining and grumbling, especially around other people who are not believers.

Instead, share your trials and test as the testimonies they were intended to be. Show people how awesome God is, and even throughout all of your hardship, He is there to see you through. 

Just think about it. Would you be so eager to give your life to Christ if all you see are Christian people unhappy and complaining about life? NO! But, if you see someone who appears to be happy even when facing hardship, you’re going to want whatever it is they have, including Jesus.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown


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