creative family devotion ideas

5 Creative Family Devotion Ideas

I love spending time getting to know God through my devotion time of prayer and reading God’s word.

And I just love seeing a family use that time to come together and grow spiritually and as a family unit.

Whether in the same house with younger kids or long distance with adult children or siblings, family devotion can be done in so many creative ways.

5 Creative Family Devotion Ideas

#1. Early Morning Family Bible Study

This works no matter the age differences or daily schedule. Set a time in the morning to gather the family for a quick family Bible reading. If you have time, go into a Bible study for the scripture you read.

#2. Think Outside of The Box

Instead of having your devotion in a typical place, like on the sofa or at the dining room table, think outside of the box for creative locations. Plan your devotion outside during the sunset. Try on the front porch or back patio. Changing the location will definitely keep devotion interesting for the entire family.

#3. Turn It Into a Reading Club

Select a scripture to focus on the day or night before coming together as a family. Everyone will have to read the scripture and come to family devotion ready to talk about key points, what connections they made, and how they will apply it to their lives. This way everyone will get to read the scripture on their level in their preferred translation and have time to marinate on the Word before coming together to discuss it.

#4. The After Meal

This is more ideal for family members who live together but will work for a family that meets at least once a week for dinner. And it doesn’t have to only be after dinner. This After Meal devotion may be done after breakfast, brunch, or lunch. Doing daily family devotions after a meal is natural and easy because the family is already gathered together.

#5. Cruising With God

Take your family devotion to the car. Of course the driver should never be the one reading. Therefore, alternate who will read the scripture it day. The car is where I do most of my prayers each day. A great way to spend your devotional time in the car as a family is to listen to a Christian based PodCast, have someone read a scripture or two that they think ties in with the topic of discussion from the PodCast. You can also jam out to some Christian music and go into song while singing along.

To make sure your devotion time, whether by yourself or with family is: enjoyable, short, regular, and simple.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Blessed are those who have not seen and have yet believed. – John 20:29

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