Updated Spring Morning Routine

Updated Spring Morning Routine

How you start your day can easily determine how the rest of your day will flow.

That’s why I’m always looking at ways to start my day off on the right foot.

Finding a morning routine that’s right for you is easier than you think.

The first place people go wrong with their morning routines is by trying to copy someone else’s. The key is figuring out what works best for your life and your schedule and committing to it.

When that routine stops working, you’ll find yourself where I am, updating your morning routine to work for whatever changes you’ll have in your life.

Here is my updated morning routine that is working best for me. It starts my mornings off smoothly and helps my day get off to a great start.

Wake Up With A Positive Attitude

I try my best to wake up with a positive attitude by setting a pleasant tone as my alarm. I recently noticed that the tone of my alarm was causing my heart rate to speed up and I would wake up feeling anxious. I changed my alarm to softer (but still alarming) music to help me slowly wake up without putting myself into shock.

Unfortunately, I’m still not getting to bed when I need for my eight hours of sleep, so I have to have three different alarms to wake me up. The last of the three has the most peaceful music since it is the one that I actually wake up to.

Makeup My Bed

I believe making your bed will give you that one less reason to get back into it. I know when I make my bed in the morning, I feel just a little more put together and more awake.  My room looks more organized and pretty which makes me less likely to mess it up during the day. I’m more motivated to put things where they belong, and by things I mean my clothes, when my bed is made up.

Freshen Up

I noticed that when I freshen up before doing my devotion, I am more alert and focused. Washing my face, and brushing my teeth can really give me the energy I need to get my day started. It’s something how a little splash of water can living you up.

I’m currently using the Rhodan and Fields Unblemish Acne Treatment system that I got as a PR package. I love how it is clearing up my blemishes without drying out my skin. It’s hard finding acne treatments for mature women.

I always get compliments on my teeth and asked if I bleach them. I find that using an electric toothbrush with a spin head helps with the appearance of your teeth a lot. I also use the Crest 3D White toothpaste which helps my teeth with their white appearance.

Morning Devotion

For my morning devotion, I follow whichever one of my seasonal Bible Reading Plans I am currently on. I am on week 5 of my Spring Bible Reading Plan that I created to help motivate and encourage readers to live with intention.

My Bible Reading Plans are great resources to use to study God’s Word without feeling overwhelmed. It’s great for new believers to get familiar and comfortable with reading the Bible, and for more seasoned Christians to set aside time with God.

After reading my daily scriptures, I go to my “Keep Calm and Pray” board on Pinterest for my morning prayers. I have pinned prayers to recite daily that are perfect for what I’m going through in life. I found Pinterest to be a great search engine to find prayers for needs you didn’t even realize you have or prayers said in ways you would not have said yourself.

Make sure you head over and follow me on Pinterest.

Shower & Dress

For days that I did not take my shower the night before, this is when I would shower. If I did shower the night before, I would go ahead and get dressed. My clothes are already laid out for me from the night before so getting dressed is super quick and easy, and stress-free (come back in a couple of weeks for my Spring Night Routine to see why I get my clothes ready the night before).  

Get Pretty

I do my makeup and hair after I’m dressed. It’s much easier to put a shirt over your face before your makeup is on.

My makeup usually takes me about 20 – 30 minutes, and my hair depends on the style I’m wearing it in. Of course, I love hassle-free hairstyles that take a few minutes or less to do in the mornings.

Quick & Easy Breakfast

Breakfast on workdays is usually a bowl of instant oatmeal. It only takes a few minutes and I don’t have to think about what to make. When I want something different, I’ll go for a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese. Again, something super quick and easy (and easy to take with me). I’ll also grab my lunch from the freezer and put it in my work bag as I’m getting my breakfast ready.

Feed My Fur Babies

While my breakfast is getting ready, I will feed my cats, Comet and Cosmo. They eat dry food throughout the week that I get from a subscription with Chewy.com. Since their water bowl is in their room, I’ll give them their water while I’m doing my makeup.

If you have kids, it’s best to get yourself ready before them. This way you know everything needed is done and you can give them the time they need to have a great start to their day.

Leave For Work

I make sure that as I’m getting ready throughout the morning, I’m putting whatever I’m done with and need for the day, by the door. This way when it’s time to leave, I can leave without a hassle. Of course, there are times when something is forgotten, but that’s usually when I do things out of order.

Well, there you have it. These are the steps I take in my morning routine each day that has been working best for me. I hope you can take what I do and apply some of the steps to help with your stress-free morning routine.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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