5 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

Hey Loves! This week I have been focusing more on getting my life (career) to what I want it to be. In doing so, I really had to take a step back and figure out what I could do to change my life.

As a blogger, I don’t really have control over who will take the time out to go to my page and read my post. (Thank you to my loyal readers!!) I do, however, have control over trying and doing the best I can to get the exposure I need to turn blogging into a career and not just a hobby.

In doing so, I have come up with these 5 healthy habits that will change everyone’s life for the better, and just had to share it with you all.


Have a Morning Routine

I’ve said this time and time again, have some type of morning routine.  With me not having to get out of the bed to go to work, I really had to revisit this step.  Sunday night I came up with a new tentative daily schedule that had a new morning routine to fit my Summer life.

I made it a goal to wake up earlier. Waking up earlier gives you more time to get things done in a day. By having more accomplished early on, it helps set the tone for the rest of your day.

I also had to give myself an agenda of what I was going to do and for how long.  When I wake up, I give myself time for devotion. Although this is something I do every morning, I needed to actually add it into my morning routine to stay on schedule. Having an actual agenda with time frames is so helpful for keeping yourself on task and productive.


Meal Prep

Another thing I started doing this week that I haven’t in forever is meal prep.  I only meal prepped for lunch as far as actually making the meals. But this is such a lifesaver. Sunday, I picked up some tupperware to make storage and reheat convenient. On Monday, I made my lunch for the rest of the week. (Monday – Friday)

When looking at breakfast and dinner, I have always meal prepped, but differently.  Before buying my groceries I determine what I will have for breakfast and dinner that week so I am buying the supplies I need for those meals. Also, being single, my dinner normally last me about 4 servings. So I also keep that in mind when deciding what to make.  

Meal prepping is a great way of keeping track of what you are putting  into your body. It also helps save tons of money a year when you look at how much food you are not wasting. And meal prep saves so much time that you can use to get things done.


Speed Clean Daily

Something else I started doing to change my life and save time is speed cleaning. I have not gotten to the point where I have a cleaning schedule in place. But I have been able to keep my house in order by speed cleaning a room in my house at a time. I much rather spend 10 minutes a day cleaning, than 3 hours one day cleaning. When I procrastinate and clean all at once, I get discouraged and overwhelmed and never finish. Or better yet, only get one room cleaned. I purchased a cordless vac, and my life has been so simple ever since.

Maintaining a clean environment is so conducive for relaxation and peace of mind. I know when my home is messy, I am super anxious.


Reward Yourself

Do something that makes you happy (as long as it’s healthy). I make sure I give myself breaks and time to rest my mind. Other rewards could be giving yourself 2 hours to read, watching a show/movie on TV, taking a walk or exercising, getting a scoop of ice cream.

Having a balanced life is key.  Set boundaries for your rewards. Treating yourself too much is pointless to being motivated. Think of a kid. If you give the kid the candy before they put their toys away, are they likely to put their toys away? Probably not. The same rules apply to us grown ups.


Get Your Life Day

Another habit to create to change your life, is having that day to just focus on getting your stuff together. My day is usually Sunday. On that day I plan out my week, plan out my meals for meal prep, go grocery shopping, take photos, find events to attend, etc.

So this day can be the day, what ever day of the week is best for you, to get things in order. Recap last week and see what worked, what didn’t work to make sure this coming week will be better. You can even use this day to catch up on tasks you were not able to complete.


The key to allowing these 5 healthy habits to change your life, is to keep them fun and rewarding themselves. When you look at these healthy habits as a reward in itself, you will be more willing to do them cooperatively.


xo Tish

P.S. If you’re not willing to change, don’t expect your life to either. – unknown


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