Give Your Life a makeover

How To Give Your Life a Makeover

Lately, I’ve been craving all things new. I’ve really been into my new motto of living the best possible life ever, and the first thing I thought of when starting to change my life for the better was how to give my life a makeover.

Today I am sharing some of the things I’ve been doing so far this 2018 to makeover my life, and what I plan to implement to life the best life ever.

How to Makeover Your Life

1. Spiritually
The first thing about my life I evaluated when I decided to live my best life was my spiritual life. As a Christian, that meant looking at my relationship with God. After such a rough year in 2017, my relationship with God was anything but where it needed to be. With a spiritual imbalance, your life will never be what it should be.  Determine how your spiritual life is lacking and make corrections to improve it immediately. You will definitely see a change in your life as well as within yourself right away.

2. Mentally
Now that you are working on your spiritual life, think about your headspace. Your thoughts are the root of all things good and evil. It doesn’t matter what’s going on with your external changes if your thoughts are still negative. It’s important to get to a place where you can fill yourself with positive thoughts and change your mindset to that of a positive one.

3. Environmentally
Here we have the reason for my recent home remodel and renovations. Changing your environment is a great way to makeover your life. It’s a great way to create the feeling of newness, freshness, and excitement.  Environmental change is super important if you are a visual person like me. Giving your environment a makeover will help support motivation, creativity, and drive. Even something as simple as a major cleaning will help shift your emotional and mental state. Decluttering helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

4. Aspirationally
Establishing and setting goals is next in making over your life. Think about your life in general. Are you living the life you want to live? Well, if you answered no, it’s time to figure out how to live that life. Ask yourself, what will it take for me to live the life I want? Get some cute sticky notes or stationery and jot down those steps as your goals. Post them somewhere that you will see them at least twice a day as a cute reminder of what you need to do to achieve those life goals.

Following these 4 easy steps will surely get you on the right track to living your best life ever!

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xoxo Tish

P.S. Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. – Carol Burnett


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