How to Have Complete Trust in God

As I mentioned in my last post, Setting Goals for 2018, one of my goals this year is to work on my relationship with God and build my trust in Him.

During my time of reflection, I realized just how much I was not really allowing God to control my life. I knew that I have always been a bit controlling. I mean, I like things the way I want them. But I did not realize how much control I was trying to have over my life until I had that cry fest.

Here I’ve been, asking God repeatedly to order my steps, show me His will, reveal my purpose. But the entire time, I have been so fixated on my plan, that I did not allow God to speak to me or move me in a way for me to fully receive it. I was so yearning for God’s will for me, but so fearful that His will would not be what I wanted Him to say or how I wanted Him to say it, that I would move before he could even give me the directions. And then have the nerve to say, if it happens it’s God’s will.

Well, I don’t really think that is how God works. But, how many of you have been or are still guilty of acting the same way?

Trust in the Lord, with all your heart; and don’t depend on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5&6)

I have shared many times that this (Proverbs 3:5&6) has been my favorite Bible verse since college (about 20 years). I’ve shared it in many posts. I sing the song version in my head and out loud on many occasions. I’ve even recited it over and over again during difficult times as reassurance and guidance. So why am I STILL having a hard time living by it now?

I know my life last year was rocky. Something happened to me that just shook my relationship with God where I literally felt like He betrayed me. Oh, but wait. I was the one doing the betrayal. I wasn’t allowing God to be, well, God.

Many people run to God when they are down and forget to praise God when they are up. Well, I’ve always been the opposite. When I am down, I don’t know how to relate with God. I feel ashamed for being down when my life has had so many blessings. Heck, my life is a blessing. This situation, however, turned my heart so hard, that my relationship with God was not sunshine and roses. I was mad. Mad at God, mad at the world. Oh but wait, I only went through this situation because I didn’t listen to God.

I asked God to forgive me for feeling betrayed by him. And once again I was so happy to know and remember that God created me and knows my true heart, even before I know what feelings it will produce. I prayed for Him to change my heart so I could go back to having Him in my life as my father and best friend again.

And here we are. I don’t think I went through my hurt and pain to write this post about trusting God. But who knows, this could be a branch of the many effects caused by the root of the pain. Either way, I am happy and grateful to be on this journey. And I am happy to share it with you!

When God says to let go of the branch of security, Let Go!

Characteristics of Complete Trust In The Lord

1. Unwavering Confidence – Trust in the Lord (Prov. 3:5a)  

To trust means to have a firm reliance on someone/thing

  • Trust God when you can’t see ahead
  • Trust God when you don’t understand your circumstances
  • Trust God when you just don’t feel like going on

2. Total Commitment – With all your heart (Prov. 3:5a)

Don’t act like I did, without total commitment. Wanting God to direct your path, but on your terms. Let go and let God! He is the author. He already has your life mapped out. Why not commit to following the directions of the one who created the map?

Many people get confused about God giving us the desires of our heart. They think that if they desire ‘it”, God will give “it” to them. Nope! Remember who is in control. “It” is not what God is giving you. The desires are what God is giving you. God is giving you the desires He has for you and placing them on your heart. Now that I understand it correctly, I pray for God to reveal those desires to me so that I may pursue them with unbridled passion.

3. Asking For Divine Wisdom – Do not lean on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5b) Remember, we wouldn’t need faith if we understood everything. Ask God to bless you to change your heart so that your heart and mind are in line with His ways.

4. Relinquish Control – In all your ways, acknowledge Him (Prov. 3:6a)  Again, let go and let God. Relinquishing control requires you to submit to God’s will for you.

My task for you is to write on an index card or piece of paper, what you need to trust the Lord with. Then take it and burn it, shred it. Get rid of it, to show God that you are giving it to him. You are letting go and letting God!


As always, thanks for hanging with me. Please make sure you are subscribed to receive notifications when posts go live. Vlog 5 of my IUI journey will be published Sunday. It explains the “situation.”  So make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to follow me along my IUI/conception journey.


xo Tish

P.S. Trust God. When we trust God the future always holds hope. –


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