How to Love Yourself More

How to Love Yourself More

Throughout this self-improvement series, I have hit on many ways to improve your life. It seems I have left out the most important one.  

When I first started blogging I shared my  5 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More. Well today, I am sharing 10 questions to ask yourself (and answer) for you to better understand yourself and thus, LOVE YOURSELF MORE!

So grab a notebook or journal and let’s get started!

  1. What do I believe I deserve in life? Why?
  2. What does love mean to me? How do I show these emotions and actions to myself?
  3. In what areas of my life do I show a lot of faith? Why does faith come easily to me in these circumstances?
  4. Five things that make me really happy are… What can I do to have these as a constant in my life?
  5. How do I want to be remembered? What do I need to do to make this happen?
  6. If I really loved myself I would…
  7. Write a thank you letter to your body for all it is capable of. Stay positive!
  8. I forgive myself for…
  9. What does self-love mean to me?
  10. I deserve happiness because…

Be sure to stay positive when answering these questions or filling in the blanks. I know when people are in a dark place, their thoughts tend to lean towards the negatives. The goal here is to love yourself more.

xo Tish

P.S. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – unknown


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