How To Relax After a Long Day

How to Relax After a Long Day

Stressful days get the best of us sometimes. Whether dealing with that annoying client, needing to study for a major exam, your kids making bad decisions, or being a teacher like me, a long day is inevitable.

There are several things I like to do when I’m stressed out. One is spending a quiet night at home, just being.

Here are some of the other ways I like to relax after a long day that you should try.

1. Pamper Yourself

Whether you do it yourself or go someplace to have it done. End your long day with a nice pedicure and foot massage. Give yourself a facial with a nice exfoliating cleanser and a hydrating mask. And don’t forget that manicure, polishing your nails with your favorite nail shade.

2. Take a Nice Long Hot Bath

Nothing beats a nice relaxing bath. Add some lavender to your water, and light some candles. Dim the lights and just lay in your tube allowing your muscle to become completely relaxed.

3. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to relax and clear your mind. Get lost in your breathing and see how much better you feel when you are done.

4. Order Takeout

The last thing you want to do when you’ve had a long day is going home and cook. I love being able to just get on my phone and order takeout from one of my fav restaurants.  If your commute is pretty traffic free, order your food before you arrive home so it meets you there when you arrive. This is really helpful if your long day involved a late shift.

5. Drink a Nice Hot Cup of Tea

I love how drinking a cup of hot tea completely relaxes me. Even during warmer months, tea is beneficial for relaxing your stomach and calming you down. Even try a cup of detox tea for added benefits.

6. Get Comfy and Cozy

Put on your most comfortable loungewear,  snuggle up in bed or on the couch and binge watch your favorite series or watch a movie that lifts your spirits. The plus about doing this in bed is if you fall asleep, you’re already where you need to be.

7. Read Scripture and Pray

My go-to for relaxing after a long day is to spend time with God. The first thing I do when I get in my car is start talking to God. So, tell your problems to God and leave them with him. To make sure you don’t try to get back in your feelings, read scripture that you find encouraging depending on what made your day long in the first place.  After all, Jesus is the answer!


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xoxo Tish


P.S. The day she let go of the things that were weighing her down, was the day she began to shine her brightness. – Katrina Mayer


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