Mother’s Day Guide to Treating Yourself Right

Hey loves! For this thankful Thursday, I am sharing tips on taking care of yourself.

I know for you moms out there, self is not your first priority. Because you are a great mom, you are always putting your kids’ needs and even your spouse’s needs ahead of your own.

Here are some helpful tips to start treating yourself the right way!

Take care of yourself first

If you have little ones, or even teenagers to young adults, wake up and get yourself ready first. I’ve mentioned this before in my How to Have a Stress-free Morning Routine post. When you get yourself ready first, you can relax knowing that you are good to go, and can then focus your attention on getting the little ones ready.

Get Pampered

If you are anything like me, you will do-it yourself for everything. My motto used to be, if I can do it myself, why pay someone else to do it.  If this sounds like you with your hair and nails, then you need to let the professionals take care of you at least once in awhile. Having someone else wash your hair is so relaxing (if they know what they’re doing).  And let’s face it, do your nails ever look as good when you do them yourself compared to going to the salon to have them done? NO!!!!! So even if it’s just once a month, treat yourself to a pamper day getting your hair done and a mani/pedicure.

Eat Healthier

Eating healthy is one of the best ways to treat yourself right. After all, you are what you eat. What you put into your body is what your body returns. You put junk into your body, and sluggishness is what comes out of it. Put healthy into your body, and energy and vibrancy is what comes out. Eating healthy can be on the pricey side, but so is a meal from a fast food restaurant.  What you would spend on fast food for a family for one meal, will cost the same as a few days of meals when you by groceries to make  healthier meals.

Do What You Love

Do something that brings you joy and is right for your body. This could be taking a Saturday to go to the botanical garden, or taking a kickboxing class. Whatever it is you love and are missing, bring it back into your life and make it a habit to do it, and without the kids. Unless your fun thing is a family oriented activity.  


So there you have it. These tips will surely bring some extra joy into your life and make you remember to do you again. No one wants a mom who has lost themselves in their family. “Momming ain’t easy” but your life should continue to blossom and grow just like your kid’s.

xo Tish

P.S.  To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world. – unknown


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