multi functional office space

Multi-Functional Office Space

OMG! I am finally ready to reveal my new office space.  I must admit, I am so happy that I’ve actually been using my office to work in, even before it was “finished.” Now that it is 95% done, I just know I will love working in its multi-functioning space.

Since the new year, I have been on this one room challenge. Unfortunately, I lost track of the “one room” part as projects began to overlap.  My guest bathroom was the first room, and really the space that motivated me to turn my home into a space that feels like me, a space I can truly love.  Next was my office. As I move towards turning Uniquely Created into a business, I wanted to make sure I had a workspace designated to all aspects of Uniquely Created; blog, vlog, and crafting.  Now my workspace works for me like it never has before.

As always, I never leave a project completely done (intentionally or unintentionally). The closet, which was originally my craft space, is a complete HOT MESS. The organization of the space was great, the functionality was not so great as there was no lighting and my back was towards the entire room. I always ended up doing my crafts on the floor or in the living room. My new plan is to transform the closet back into well, a closet. I am always in need of storage. So eventually, I will repaint the closet (probably the gray color of the room) and set up the shelves to function as office storage.

Now, let’s jump into the office reveal.

When you first come into the workspace, you are hit with the adjacent feature wall. This stencil was an original plan of mine when I first purchased my home. I debated whether to paint the wall white or just leave it and decided to leave it as it is a great backdrop for photos and videos.  I added solid white floor to ceiling curtains to calm down the wall and add height. I love the touch of green with this majesty palm tree that is barely hanging on to its dear life. I kept with the white by spray painting this plant bucket that was originally aqua blue.

multi functional work space

This chair I got for a steal at TJ Maxx. I wasn’t too sure about the shade of gray with the color of the walls, but after adding the dark gray throw that matches the feature wall perfectly, the chair looks like it belongs in the room.  I don’t plan on having too many guests over while I work, so the chair’s main function is for me to have another place to work when not using my computer (I can see myself sitting here to plan with the view from the window this Summer), and to use as a prop for pictures and videos.

multi functional work space

The side table was another great find for just $20. It was my second choice, well the second find, and I am so happy I went with this one instead. The first was a ceramic sunpan end table that had a mirrored finish. Although it was cute, I wanted something that would be more open for the workspace and thought the design matched the wall stencil and the chair well.

multi functional work space


The artwork I “created” myself. I found a picture of a pink map and instantly wanted one of my own.  I found the perfect one with the watercolor effect and had it printed at WalMart. The frame I got from Ikea.  The two flanking prints was a recycled DIY project. My coworker gave me the two prints when she was moving. They were bright coral, gold, and mint. I knew the colors would not work for me, but I was determined to find a purpose and a place for them. And so I did. Initially, I was just going to paint white over the print and add a quote. As I began painting, the thought of adding the marble contact paper came to me. I then remembered that I purchased craft paper that matched the pink watercolor of the map, and decided to use that for the letters of the quote instead of painting them freehand. I absolutely LOVE how they turned out.

multi functional work space


My full-length mirror was one of the first things to get a “facelift” and the last thing to come back into the room. It was black, so I spruced it up with some metallic silver spray paint. As you can see, I have no place for it, as it is hidden behind the door. Since it’s lightweight and I don’t take many selfie OOTD pictures, I figured I could just position it around the room come photo time and be able to alternate the background based on its location.

multi functional work space

To the right of the door, you’ll find my Cameo machine. The stand was an Ikea find for $14. It came even darker than the normal Ikea white, so I spray painted it the same color as the desk. It fits perfectly on this wall and once I get the Bluetooth feature working on the Cameo, it will function much better. For now, it is too far away from my computer, so I have to move it in order to cut my vinyl.  I am still figuring out what to display on the shelf below as it is very shallow. I think I will get some decorative storage boxes to store some of my craft supplies.

multi functional work space

Above the Cameo, you’ll see my DIY light switch that I only spent about $1.00 on. I used a frame from the Dollar Tree, spray painted it with the same metallic silver that I used on other things throughout the room, cut out a piece of foam board to fit(spray painted that as well) that I got for free, used an X-Acto knife for the cutouts, and attached it using the screws that came with the existing switch plate. I spray painted the screws too.

The UC letters were on clearance at At Home after Christmas. They were red, so I spray painted them with the white I used on the desk, Cameo stand, and picture frames.  

multi functional work space


Above the letters is my DIY backdrop rack. I ordered the actual bracket from Amazon but was sent the wrong piece. As I was getting ready to order a replacement, I kept telling myself I feel like I can make this myself and for a lot less than $50. The thought of using curtain rods came to me, so that’s what I used. I ended up spending less than $10 for the double rods.  The backdrops will work for both pictures and videos.

multi functional work space


multi functional work space


Next, we have my repurposed desk. This gem was a dumpster find that has been with me for about five years. I painted it black when I first found it, so for the office remodel, I decided to paint it white to create a more open airy space.  When thinking of where I wanted my desk placed in my new space, I knew I wanted it facing the window. It was facing the wall where the Cameo is now. Probably another factor as to why I never used it before. I thought about putting it directly in front of the window, but thought it would be awkward, and I didn’t want my back facing the entire room.  Once I put it in this corner, I knew this was it. Having the desk in this corner opens up the room and still gives me a direct vision of the window and have the full site of the entire space. The white leather chair was another TJ Maxx find. It is the perfect size for my desk. Did you spot my cute DIY trash bin in the corner? I used the marble contact to transform it.multi functional work space

multi functional work space

multi functional work space

To help with my “bookkeeping” I got this hanging file storage to make filing all of my business receipts and sponsor invoices.  With this system, I can just go to the proper file and place the receipt or invoice in the folder without any hassle. My plan was to use a storage box, but you would never think how having to pull out a box, open it, find the folder, and file your document would become so challenging. As you will see next, I use that box for important papers that I don’t need to use often.

The picture ring, I am still debating over. I did not like it at all when I first took it out of the bag. Now that I have it by my desk and next to the file storage, I like it a little better.  I kept the packaging just in case it doesn’t grow on me. However, since my desk is on the smaller side, I like that I can put pictures on it, and not have to worry about space. It makes swapping pictures super easy as well.

multi functional work space


My gallery wall was a dream in the making.  When I first transitioned this room into my workroom, I knew I wanted a gallery wall in this spot.  Well, I finally have one and guess what. I LOVE IT!. I even loved shopping for the pieces to use. I saved money by having the prints printed, and buying the frames from the Dollar Tree.  Like I mentioned before, I spray painted the frames and the art, and it made them look just the way I wanted.

multi functional work space

multi functional work space

The bookcase is another work in progress. I have the hardest time figuring out what to put in each cubby and how to decorate the top. Since storage is an issue, I think I will get some more of those white boxes (and possibly paint them pink) and place them in a couple of the cubbies. Can you spot which cubby I am absolutely loving? Yes, it’s the one on the bottom with the flamingo figurine. I love how that one turned out, so as time passes I am sure this bookcase will change.

multi functional work space

multi functional work space

And there you have it! I still don’t know why it has taken me so many months to get this office done. Below you will find the list of the items in the space that I used or similar items.  I hoped you enjoyed and don’t forget to check out the video to get an in the room feel of my workspace.



Chair – similar

End table – similar, similar, similar

Faux Fur Rugs – WalMart, similar

Stand – Ikea, similar

Desk Chair – similar

Desk – great option

Bookcase – Ikea, similar, similar



Palm plant and pot – Ikea (would get from someplace else so it will last longer)

Blanket – 5 Below, similar

Photo grid – Target, similar

Frames and art – Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby

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xoxo Tish

P.S. I’ve got a theory, if you love your workspace, you’ll love your work a little more. – Cynthia Rowley


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