My Top Ten Tips to Treat Yourself Better

Is it really the last Thursday of the year? I remember when a year actually felt like forever, now it feels like a few months.

Well, today I am sharing my top ten tips to treat yourself better. With these tips, it won’t matter how fast, or slow, time is going because you will enjoy life just that much better.

Let’s jump in!

10. Sit down for your morning coffee or tea and savor every sip.

9. Exercise for at least 20 – 30 minutes a day.

8. Read a book

7. Take a hot, candlelit bubble bath.

6. Get your hair done

5. Get a message (at least once a month)

4. Give yourself a facial.

3. Eat for your body, not your appetite.

2. Meditate for 30 minutes

1. Practice gratitude.

Be sure to read Daily Habits For A Happy Life!

xo Tish

P.S. The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. – unknown


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