updated girl boss office

My Updated Girl Boss Office

I made some changes to my office to make it more functional for me. I wanted to add more actual workspace with a larger desk, and in order to do so, I had to change some things around.

I lucked out finding this larger desk from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore for $35.00. It was originally a dark wood that I spray painted with a semi-gloss white and it turned out great. My budget for the desk was $50.00. So, with the three cans of spray paint, it came out to be about $45.00. I love when I fall under budget. I decided to keep the desk in the same spot as the other for now. I keep going back and forth about putting the desk in front of the window with my back facing the window or putting it in front of my gallery wall with my back towards the wall. So don’t get confused if you see a picture or video in the future with the desk in one of those two spots.

To adjust to the bigger desk, I had to move the cube shelf unit to the opposite wall and centered it under my artwork.

I wanted clean and functional storage, so I bought two more of the storage boxes with lids to hide my camera equipment and extra magazines.

Did I mention my excessive amount of magazines? To make sure they were all neatly put away, I got this set of two magazine files to store them in. Eventually, I will go through all of the magazines and only keep the ones that I feel have inspirational articles and images for future content.

I took the decorative pieces that I had and just shuffled them around to work cohesively in the four opened cubes.

I had this letterboard since last year and had yet to use it, so I decided to put it to use and will try to change out the message as often as possible.

I left the mirror where its been since the Summer. I couldn’t figure out where else it would work in the room with the desk where it is. That’s another reason why I couldn’t decide where to put the desk. If I put the desk in one of the other places, I didn’t know what to do with the mirror. I guess I’ll just have to play around with the furniture placement one day.

I created a seating corner for recording videos over to the other side of the room. It’s a great spot to read a book or plan content. Otherwise, my cats are the only ones who sit there while I’m working.

I figured, even with the larger desk, I should be able to easily move things around to record videos or take pictures in my office. If not, my main purpose for this update was to have more workable space on my desk and I have definitely accomplished that!

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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