Summer Vacay Must Haves

As I get ready for my Summer vacation, I need to go down my mental checklist to make sure I have all of the essential vacation items I need.

I almost enjoy preparing for vacation as much as I enjoy the actual vacation.

No matter your destination this Summer, you are sure to need these items for your vacation or Summer activity.

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A must to keep your skin young and healthy. I like to use sport sunscreens as they have a high SPF and last through sweat. Here are some of my favs.


Disinfectant Wipes & Sanitizer
These are a must have to keep those germs away. I would recommend to have these on hand on an everyday basis, not just for vacation.

A Good Book
Having a good book to read is a great way to pass the time on that flight or just to relax by the pool. Here are some great reads I came across.

Beauty Essentials
These beauty essentials are the perfect vacation must haves to make staying pretty a quick and easy task.


Tech Stuff

Portable Charger



xo Tish

P.S. I love being on vacation and never knowing what day it is. – unknown


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