Ways to Get/Stay Inspired

For today’s Fix-It Friday we’re taking a look at some inspirational tools to boost your motivation. So pull out that forgotten New Year’s Resolution, that forgotten dream, and get ready to become inspired.

Inspiration Board
An inspirational board is a great way to put things that inspire you in your face each and every day. Print out pictures of things you want to accomplish, inspirational quotes, things/people you love, and create an inspirational board.  You can use a large picture frame, cork board, or canvas as your foundation.  Cut out your pictures and adhere them to your foundation. Since this will be displayed, be creative and make your inspiration board look like a piece of art. Hang it somewhere you have to walk by each day as a friendly reminder.

Example of Inspiration Board.
Example of Inspiration Board.


Motivational Wall
Using bright colored paper or sticky notes, create a motivational wall to keep you inspired and encouraged to keep going. I had to create a motivational wall at work to display in my classroom. Whenever I need that quick reminder or word of encouragement, I look at my wall and smile.  For this, you are writing inspirational phrases to keep you motivated like; this too shall pass, smile, you can do this, breathe, etc.  Put this in a location where you can easier see it in times of need.

Example of a Motivational Wall I found on Pinterest.
Example of a Motivational Wall I found on Pinterest.

List Your Values
Make a list of your values; What’s really important to you? Your family? Your religion? Your leisure time? Your hobbies? Decide on what your most important values in life are and then make sure that what you do daily is designed to include and enhance them.

Prayer & Meditation
Before you go to bed each night, think about your life. Create a clear image in your mind of the things you want to do in life that you enjoy, that bring you happiness and peace. Ask for these things in prayer. Spend time meditating to hear what God has for you and to keep you mind on your prize and how to achieve it.

Inspirational Quotes/Scriptures
Just reading inspirational quotes/scriptures can really get you motivated.  Whenever you’re feeling a certain way, look up some inspiring quotes/scripture to motivate you out of that down feeling. Find your favorite inspirational quotes/scripture, type them up in pretty fonts, print and display them in a picture frame. Placing them where you will get the most visibility so you are in a way, forced to read them daily.  I personally love “today is a good day for a good day” and “Trust in the Lord, with all your heart…” Proverbs 3: 5-6

Framed Inspirational Quotes found on Pinterest


I hope these tips will help you become or stay inspired. What are some other things you’ve done to stay or get inspired?


P.S.  Your mind is a powerful thing, when you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.


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