2019 goals & vision board

My Goals For 2019 | Vision Board

This year I decided to finally do a vision board for my goals. I love the thought of having my goals displayed as a visual reminder.

The truth is, I forgot some of my 2018 goals becuase I didn’t have them posted any where in sight. The good thing is, I was still striving to achieve them, even though I forgot they were my goals, simply becuase they were all things that I was passionate about.

Since, I have more goals this year, I figured having a vision board would be the best thing for me to stay on task and hold myself accountable.

If you read my post last Tuesday, My Top Three Priorities for 2019, you know I decided to have 3 main areas of focus that I have broken down into smaller goals and task that will help me to accomplish them.  

So let’s jump in with my first priority!

#1. Turning My Influencer Business Into a Career

To turn my influencer business into a career, my goals are to:

  • Reach 2000 page views per day on the blog by the end of the year
  • Establish a mailing list for blog subcriptions
  • Reach 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. If you’re not subscribed already, head over to my channel and subcribe!
  • Reach 80,000 followers on Instagram. If you’re not following me on Instagram, head over to my page and follow me!
  • Gain more paid brand sponsorships (I will determine a montly goal to make it measurable, I’m thinking 4 per month to start. We shall see!)
  • Make sure that I focus on connecting, captivating, and converting with all 3 platforms
#2. Building Better Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships is a must for me in 2019, and forever. I think it’s super important for maintaining a balance in life. And although, this is a personal focus for me, it also includes building relationships with my business connections as well.

I haven’t really figured out how to break this up into smaller goals just yet.

Since building relationships is normally something that you just do, I’m having a hard time turning it into tasks. However…

  • I do know that I am finally open to falling in love. I know, Miss Independent is going to open up and start taking applications again, lol.
  • I know that I need to work on being more receptive to  communication and will start by reaching out to some of my friends (and family) that I have lost touch with.
  • I plan on joining groups, ministries,  and organizations that will aid in networking and increased knowledge of relating to different people. (As if teaching doesn’t already do that for me, but it’s different with big people,lol)
  • I plan to be more assertive, in a good way!
  • Develop a coping mechanism to suppress my anxiety, which leads to the 3rd focus.
#3. Be Relaxed

The one major thing affecting my health is stress, so even though I have this as my last focus, it is the most important one. To help me get to a state of being relaxed, my goals are to:

  • Practice Yoga (at home for now, and eventually take a weekly class as well)
  • Create and practice an exercise routine to help with tension and stamina
  • Work on my home. Yes, this will help me to be relaxed. When I’m in a neat and visually pleasing environment, I am more relaxed and less anxious. Plus I really want my house to feel like home and I love interior design.
  • Travel more
  • Pamper myself or get pampered.
  • Develop a calming strategy to help release tension as it arises.

So there you have it, my goals for 2019. Late, as usual, but right on time. Now, my next step is creating smaller goals/tasks for each goal that will lead to me accomplishing ALL of my goals by December 31st. This next step is the most important step to achieving your goals, the planning step. The good thing about creating smaller goals/tasks is that if they are not working out, you can easily adjust your plans without giving up on your goals.

Where are you with your goals?

xoxo Tish

P.S. You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for. Ted Turner
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