Spiritual Gifts | What Are They, How Do You Find Yours, Ways to Use It

Spiritual Gifts | What Are They, How Do You Find Yours, Ways to Use It

Have you ever heard your pastor mention that you should be working in your spiritual gifts? I hope that everyone reading this, who attends church said yes.

As Christians, we were all given a spiritual gift(s). Through these gifts, we are able to best serve God, the church and each other.

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. -1 Corinthians 12:7&11

So what are these gifts? How can you determine which gift(s) you have? How can you use your gift(s)?

What Are the Spiritual Gifts
click on image to make largerspiritual giftsSpiritual Giftsspiritual giftsspiritual gifts
How Are They Used?
  • Serving Gifts are characterized by their role in the church to manage, serve and build up the body of Christ in practical and loving ways.
  • Revelatory Gifts are those in which The Lord imparts or reveals information to be used to guide, warn, correct and encourage the church while bringing glory to Himself.
  • Also known as Miraculous Gifts, these are overtly supernatural and display the power and presence of The Lord among His people. They serve as evidence of the authority of God over all things.
  • The Foundation Gifts are those which were fundamental to the establishment of the church. Those with these gifts are needed for planting new churches and ministries today.

spiritual gifts

How to Discover What Your Spiritual Gift(s) Is?

When I first joined my current church, part of the new member process was to determine your gift and see what ministry you wanted to join to use it. So, I was blessed to have been given the test that way. If your church did not include this as part of membership classes or offered it during your time at the church, don’t fret. There are many sites where you may take the Spiritual Gifts test online and for free.

Here are two of the sites I thought were the simplest to use.

Team Ministry


So now that you know what the spiritual gifts are, what yours is and how to use it, reach out to your church to see if they already have that ministry you want to join, and if not, start one.

Remember that each ministry will be filled with members who have been gifted differently. Just think about it, if everyone on a team all had the same exact gift and nothing else, how successful would that team be? Not successful at all. So if you don’t see how your gift will help to build a ministry or you don’t see how you and someone else can be on the same ministry because you are so different, remember that. A successful team is made up of members who have their own special gifts, that when put together, works to build a dream team. In this case, a ministry to build the Kingdom of God.


xoxo Tish


P.S. Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about discovering who God created you to be. – unknown


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