how to spiritually clean your home

How To Spiritually Clean Your Home

Have you ever completely cleaned your home and still felt a heaviness as if there were loads of clutter everywhere? 

Has there been a time when you did not want to be in your own home because the feeling of comfort that’s associated with the thought of home was missing?

Recently, there were times when I’ve been in my own home and just felt a huge pressure on me. It caused me to not want to be in my own home. I noticed that I was complaining about things throughout my house. I even felt like bad things just kept happening within my home. 

And to add to how I was feeling inside of my home, I had to deal with unpleasant neighbors.

I said a prayer for my neighbors, but sadly, I never prayed over my house.

So when I started to do research for this post, I was shocked to see how God answered my prayers that I didn’t realize I had. Spiritually cleaning my home is exactly what I needed to make my home feel like home.

So, how do we spiritually clean our homes? 

  • Anoint the doorways and the windows
  • Pray for every being living in the home to be at peace
  • Pray over for each room
  • Walk through your home and pray God’s word
  • Anoint the pillows and the beds in each room
  • Pray for the master bedroom to be a sanctuary
  • Pray for the animals living in the home
  • Pray against evil in your home
  • Pray over your land
  • Pray for God’s protection over your home and your land
  • Pray for the land to be prosperous
  • Pray that whoever steps onto your land will feel the presence of God upon them

It is recommended to spiritually clean your home once a month by Carmen Brown from Married By His Grace. This is something I will continue to do in every home I leave in, visit, or stay in for any amount of time.

Here are great verses to pray God’s word as you walk through your home.

  • Romans 12:18
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:22
  • Matthew 7:24-27
  • Philippians 4:7
  • Ephesians 4: 2-3
  • Psalms 84:11
  • Romans 12:13 
  • Joshua 24:15

xoxo Tish

P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown

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